On the 29th of November, our class celebrated Halloween as a part of experiencing British & American culture. Our day started with everyone preparing their costumes and make up. We surely did our best to impress and show off with our creativity. We presented a wide range of ideas; from spooky creatures, a vampire, burglars and scarecrows to a mathematical problem and many others. You could even see some movie characters such as Wednesday Addams and Homer & Marge Simpson. When everyone was ready, the celebration began! We visited all the other bilingual classes for Trick or treating and recited a rhyme which we had learned from our American teacher Matt Haarman. Since nobody wanted to have their underwear pulled down, they rewarded us with sweets instead. After scaring other students and teachers we got back to our class, but before entering it, we took some photos you can see here:

We then had the first competition, which was the best costume contest. There were four categories: the most creative, the funniest, the scariest costume and the best of all. I was happy that I was actually one of the winners. This competition was judged by our headmistress Alena Havlíková, the deputy, Ľubica Domenová, teachers Michaela Čankyová, Miroslava Londáková, Jana Ilovičná and Matt Haarman. One thing that must not forget to mention is carving pumpkins to transform them into beautiful, scary or even ‘drunk’ Jack-o’-lanterns. So that’s exactly what we did. To make it more interesting, this was a competition as well; but this time we competed in teams. This contest was judged by another teacher, Jaroslav Durec, and the results could be seen in the entrance to the terrace. We all enjoyed this day and we learned and experienced something new as well. What about you? Do you have a favorite costume that you’ve seen?